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Booking Saving Tips
Downloading the Booking.com app is the easiest way to save more money and time on your online reservations. The app's seamless interface makes cancellation and rebooking a whole lot easier than on the website.
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It is pretty easy to get the Genius status on your account. If you have stayed at a place that was booked through Booking.com at least twice in the last 2 years, you will get the Genius status on the platform. Enjoy a 10% discount on select hotels, and free shuttles with Genius.
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Make the most of free cancellation and grab a better deal if it pops up. You have until the last moment to cancel your booking. If you find a deal with similar facilities and lower bookings, go ahead and grab your refund savings.
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Booking.com offers a feature called the lowest price guarantee. To make the most of this feature, it is always best to check out competitor sites to see if there are cheaper deals. Save more, and enjoy top-quality services.
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Email promotions can be annoying but that is also the first place where flash deals and price drop announcements first appear. Subscribe to the newsletters to stay updated about recent price drops and quick sales to make reservations for the best rates.
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