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Agile Scrum + Scrum Certification Prep. + Scrum Master + POAgile Scrum A to Z : Beginner to Scrum Expert. Apply and Get Advantage of SCRUM in your projects and your organizationRating: 4.5 out of 549 reviews5.5 total hours100 lecturesAll LevelsCurrent price: $9.99Original price: $34.99
Agile Scrum + Scrum Certification Prep. + Scrum Master + POAgile Scrum A to Z : Beginner to Scrum Expert. Apply and Get Advantage of SCRUM in your projects and your organizationRating: 4.5 out of 549 reviews5.5 total hours100 lecturesAll LevelsCurrent price: $9.99Original price: $34.99
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