What to purchase and not to purchase in May 2019?

You might be looking for something new this month. That could be a new appliance or a new dress you’ve been wanting to wear for long.
How do you know if you stand to gain the most from the purchase you make?
How do you know if you’re in a position to eke out the highest possible discount?
This post is for those of who want to squeeze the best deals in life.
This guide is designed to help you brave the month of May be stocked with essentials and ready to face the brunt of the summer month.
Check out the options listed below and purchase items that fit your needs best.
Here are coupons and codes you can use.
What to buy in May
1. Mattresses

In May, the best three days for shopping for mattresses are President’s Day, Labor Day and Memorial Day.
Lots of stores offer mattresses on discount on these days. Sears, Macy’s and Sleepy’s discount mattresses by 60% or more during the trio of these days. On Overstock too you can find deeply discounted mattresses.
2. Refrigerators and appliances
On Memorial Day there are steep discounts for most major appliances.
In 2018, major brands offered up to 40% discounts on newer refrigerators and on models at Best Buy and other retailers.
Sears offers 25 to 70% discounts on its refrigerator models. It’s also the time you get a slightly older model at steep discount than the newer model that’s disappearing fast off the shelves.
3. Cookware and home appliances

Mother’s Day is rife with deals on kitchen appliances and utensils ranging from pots and pans to knives and grinder jars.
Bed Bath and Beyond up to 30% from home-goods retailers like Bed Bath & Beyond, JCPenney, Kohl’s and Kmart.
4. Jewelry
During Mother’s Day retailers jack up jewelry prices. Once that’s gone they are left with excess inventory which they like to unload sometimes offering as much as 70% discount.
If you go to sites like Zales or Sears you’ll be able to snag the best jewelry deals.
What to skip in May?
1. Lingerie
Swimming suits flood the market starting early spring and with the general air of warmth in sun everyone wants to go skinny dipping and are sold out in large quantities.
It’s better to purchase them in the off-season when retailers have them stocked in surplus and want to off load them.
Last year in June Victoria’s Secret discounted 60% on the bulk of its available styles. Thus May isn’t the best time for swimwear and lingerie. Wait a little longer.
If you’re smart you already know what to do. Sign up for their newsletter and follow them on Social media to get updated about the sale as and when it happens.
2. Electronic gadgets
Black Fridays are known for the heavy discounts on electronic gadgets, on laptops, consoles and similar items.
They’re at their lowest at that time in the year.
Yes it’s a long wait until November but the deals are also much sweeter.
3. Summer apparel

May isn’t the best time to shop for summer clothes. This apparel are steeply priced because everyone needs them at that point in time. It’s better to be patient and hold out until August to shop for summer apparel as then no one wants them and you might snag deeply discounted items at 80% their fair value.
Concluding thoughts
What do you think of our suggestions on snagging the best deals for the Month of May?
Let us know your thoughts on the discounts shared on this post and mail us with additional tips and tricks. If you know of any please tell us through comments or mails.